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Is Your Android Device Getting Needed Security Updates?

Google takes security more seriously than most companies, and it’s no wonder, given that the company’s Android Operating System is currently in use by more than 1.4 billion users worldwide. The latest ...

All USB-C Cables Aren’t Created Equal, Amazon Fights Back

You may not have heard much about USB-C cables, but you will. They are the future of USB connectivity, and will ultimately replace both USB-A and USB-B cables, which are the ones ...

Windows “Blue Screen of Death” Getting New Information

If you have a Windows-based PC (and you probably do), then you’ve almost certainly had the dubious honor of seeing the dreaded BSOD, or Blue Screen of Death. Unfortunately, since the first ...

New Smart Adware Uses Your Computer Resources For Profit

Remember the good old days, when all Adware did was make your web browsing experience inconvenient by bombarding you with annoying popups? Sadly, those days appear to be over. There’s a new ...

BadLock Threat Not So “Bad” But Still Requires Patch

So, it turns out that the “Badlock” Samba exploit wasn’t quite as bad as it was originally cracked up to be. If you haven’t heard of Badlock, you’re not alone. It made ...

Legacy Operating Systems Including XP Lose Chrome Support

If your company has one or more of millions of PCs still running Windows XP, your options are collapsing around you rather quickly, making it more important than ever to finally get ...

Using Oracle Software? Update Now

It’s been a busy week at Oracle. The company has recently released a massive flurry of patches that fix a staggering 136 security issues for a wide range of the products it ...

Microsoft Releases Optional Update to Secure Wireless Mouse From Threat

Last year, an IoT (Internet of Things) security firm called Bastille Networks uncovered an attack from an unexpected vector. Hackers can actually take control of your wireless mouse, which has no on-board ...

Have You Enabled Two Factor Authentication Yet?

Are you still using single factor authentication in your business? If so, you are taking an unnecessary risk. If the only thing standing between the hacking community and your company’s data is ...

Even Large Company Employees Get Hit By Phishing/Whaling Scams

Toy manufacturing giant Mattel was recently the target of a whaling scam that could have been both highly embarrassing and extremely costly, if not for a single stroke of luck. If you’ve ...

GSG Computers

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Our mission is to provide small to mid-sized businesses with first class IT service, support and solutions. With our team of experts on your side, we’ll tame the technology monster and keep you safe. You’ll have less stress and more time to grow your business.

Office Address:
698 West Main Street, Suite A
Hendersonville, TN 37075
Phone: 615-826-0017


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